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Spring Brain Conference – Sedona, AZ  
 March 16 to March 20, 2017
All Events and Scientific Program


Thursday March 16

Spring Brain Conference Community Brain Health Event,

"Brain Health and the Life Continuum”

Sedona Performing Arts Center 995 Upper Red Rock Loop Rd. Sedona, AZ 86336

10:00a – 01:00p


Thursday March 16

(Official Hotel Check-in 4:00p)

05:30p   Cash Bar - Opening Reception


06:15p                   Introduction           

Maureen McEnery, Ph.D., MAT (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH)

Title:  “Welcome and Sharing the Vision of Spring Brain Conferences”


06:30p                   Buffet Dinner


07:00p                   Keynote #1              

Thomas Wichmann, MD (Emory University)

Title:  “Movement Disorders“


Friday March 17

07:00a                   Buffet Breakfast


07:30a                   Plenary #1               

Organizer: Wendy Macklin, Ph.D. (University of Colorado)

Session Title: “Mechanisms of Demyelination and Remyelination”

Wendy Macklin, Ph.D. (University of Colorado School of Medicine)

Title: “Role of the extracellular matrix in myelination and remyelination “

Jeffrey Bennett, MD, Ph.D. (University of Colorado School of Medicine)

Title:  “A novel autoantibody target on brain microvascular endothelial cells may contribute to CNS autoimmunity “

Gregory Owens, Ph.D. (University of Colorado School of Medicine)

Title: “MS CSF autoantibodies cause oligodendrocyte loss and demyelination “



08:45a                   Plenary #2               

Organizer: Marie-Eve Tremblay, Ph.D. (Laval U, Quebec)

Session Title: “Microglia Actively Maintain Health”

Tuan Leng Tay, Ph.D. University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

               Title: “Microglial Self-Renewal Is Driven by Context-Dependent Random or Clonal Expansion“

Astrid Cardona, Ph.D. (The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX)

              Title:  “Fractalkine and Neuroinflammation: Insights into Cellular Activation, Tissue Damage and


Marie-Eve Tremblay, Ph.D. (Laval U, Quebec)

              Title: “Dark microglia: a new phenotype predominantly associated with pathological states. “

10:00a                   Coffee Break & Posters


10:30a                   Plenary #3               

Organizer: John Bethea, Ph.D. (Drexel)

Session Title: “Mechanistic and Therapeutic Insights into Chronic Pain”

Bradley Kerr, Ph.D.  (U. Alberta)

Title: “Exercise Therapy for Pain in a Mouse Model of MS: One Size Does NOT Fit All“

Karen Moxon, Ph.D. (UC Davis)

Title:  “Central Neuropathic Pain Modulates Cortical Excitability

John Bethea, Ph.D. (Drexel)

Title: “Neuropathic Pain: TNF, Sex differences and Synaptic Plasticity”


11:45a                   Lunch (Pick up Box Lunches)

12:30p                   Free Time & Recreation

05:30p                   Cash Bar

06:00p                   Poster Presentations (3 min summaries & 20 minutes at poster)

07:00p                   Buffet Dinner


07:30p                   Keynote #2

Speaker: James McGaugh, Ph.D. (UC Irvine)

Title:  “Making Last Memories”


Saturday March 18

07:00a                   Buffet Breakfast


07:30a                   Plenary #4              

 Organizer: Jeff Petruska, Ph.D. (University of Louisville)

Session Title: “Interactions between Pain, Nociceptor Plasticity, and Spinal Cord Injury and Rehabilitation”

Sonja Bareiss, P.T., Ph.D. (Bellarmine University)

Title: “Targeting the periphery in central neuropathic pain“

Kathleen Sluka, P.T., Ph.D. (University of Iowa)

Title:  “Mechanisms underlying exercise-induced pain and analgesia“

Jeffrey Petruska, Ph.D. (University of Louisville)

Title: “Nociceptors - plasticity and influence on physical therapy and rehabilitation“             


08:45a                   Plenary #5                         

Organizer: Frank Porreca, Ph.D. (U of Arizona)

Session Title: “Going in Circles with Opioids for Treatment of Pain”

Amol Patwardhan, M.D.

Title: “The Opioid Epidemic: Current Status of Clinical Treatment“

Frank Porreca, Ph.D.

Title:  “A Journey through Opioid Receptors and Emergence of New Therapies“

Rajesh Khanna, Ph.D.

Title: “The Role of Nav1.7 Sodium Channels and Endogenous Opioids“               


10:00a                   Coffee Break & Posters


10:15a                   Plenary #6                         

Organizer: George Koob, Ph.D. (Director, NIAAA)

Session Title: “The Dark Side of Addiction: Neurocircuitry, Molecular-epigenetic and Clinical-translational


George F. Koob, Ph.D. (NIAAA, Bethesda MD)                                                   

Title: “Neurocircuitry of Addiction: View from the Negative Emotional-stress (“dark side –negative reinforcement) Domain”

Subhash Pandey, Ph.D. (University of Illinois, Chicago Illinois)

Title:  “Molecular Basis of Addiction: Epigenetic Programming, Synaptic Remodeling and Adult Pathology”

Barbara Mason, Ph.D. (The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla California)

Title: “Human Laboratory Models for Translation of Basic Research in Addiction to Medications for the Clinic “


11:30a                   Poster Session -Visit Posters

12:15a                   Lunch (Pick up Box Lunches)

12:30p                   Free Time & Recreation

06:00p                   Cash Bar

06:30p                   Buffet Dinner           


07:00p                   Keynote Talk #3

Speaker: Jeremy Schmahmann, MD (MGH, Harvard)

Title: “Cognitive Functions of Cerebellum”


Business Meeting & Plans for Future Meetings


Sunday March 19

 (Official Hotel Check-out 11:00am)

07:00a                   Buffet Breakfast


08:00a                   Keynote Talk #4      

Speaker: Jeff Noebels, MD, PhD (Baylor College of Medicine)

Title: “Precision Diagnosis and Rescue of Calcium Channel Disorders in Brain”                                                     


09:00a                   Plenary #7               

Organizer: Elise Stanley, Ph.D. (Krembil Institute/University of Toronto)

Session Title: “Calcium and Voltage-dependent Calcium Channels”

Gerald Zamponi, Ph.D. (Dept. of Physiology & Biophysics, University of Calgary)

Title: “T-type Calcium Channel Plasticity in the Pain Pathway.”

Akos Kulik, Ph.D. (Institute of Physiology II, University of Freiburg)

Title:  “Nano-scale Organization of Presynaptic Cav2 Channels in Cortical Neurons.”

Elise Stanley, Ph.D. (Krembil Institute/University of Toronto)

Title: “Synaptic Vesicle Tethering to the Presynaptic Calcium Channel.”


10:15a                   Plenary #8               

Organizer:  Baldomero (Toto) Olivera, Ph.D. (Dept. of Biology, University of Utah)

Session Title: “Addressing Central Issues in Neuroscience using Invertebrate Systems”

TBD, Ph.D. Department of Biology, University of Utah

               Title: “TBD

  1. Michael McIntosh, Ph.D., Department of Psychiatry, University of Utah

               Title: “Using Worm-Hunting Cone Snail Venom Components to Investigate Non-opiate                                                    Therapeutic Mechanisms.”


11:30a                   Buffet Lunch and Final Reception                  

12:30p                   Meeting Closes - Free Time & Recreation


Monday March 20

Spring Brain Conference Outreach at Sedona High School


12:30p Free Time & Recreation

05:30p Cash Bar - Opening Reception

07:00p Buffet Dinner


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