Abstract Submission for oral and poster presentations:
Spring Brain Conference Attendees are encouraged to submit abstracts by February 16, 2024 for oral presentations on Hot Topics (senior or junior investigators) and for oral presentations for Trainees. Selected speakers will be notified by March 8th, 2024. Abstract submission for poster presentations will remain open until April 12th 2024.
The Hot Topic presentations will be offered a 20 min slot (15-17min for presentation and 3-5min for discussion. The Trainee oral presentations should be prepared for 10-12min leaving 3-5min for discussion. All presenters are kindly requested to practice their presentations and make sure they do not exceed their allotted time.
Posters will be displayed throughout the meeting and will be formally presented during the designated Poster Session.
All submitted abstracts should include the following information in this order:
1. The title of the study in bolded font
2. Full names of all authors, with the presenter’s name underlined
3. Full affiliations for all authors
4. The body of the abstract, not to exceed 280 words.
5. 3-5 keywords to be used for selecting appropriate abstract evaluators
6. An indication of whether you wish your abstract to be considered for an oral presentation
7. The presenter/trainee’s current status (i.e. graduate student, post-doctoral fellow, research scientist)
Please fit all information in a single page using legible font style and size (Arial size 11 recommended) and send a single document in pdf format to the following e mail address: sbc.abstracts@gmail.com.
Abstracts submitted past the deadline will not be considered for an oral presentation but can still be presented as poster presentations. To make sure appropriate poster space is available, please make every effort to submit your abstract on time.
There is no specific format for posters, but it would be ideal if you kept them less than ~4 feet (or ~125 cm) wide. The posters will be presented on a wall so please bring blue tack or any similar adhesive that can support your poster on the wall and will be easily removed without staining the wall afterwards.